Top 5 Hiking tips for louisiana

Hiking in Louisiana is similar to hiking anywhere else around the world.  Now I am not an expert hiker, by any means, but I feel like I can share a few tips for anyone taking a trip to Louisiana or the southern US in general.  

1. Wear light clothing 

Heat and humidity are a year-round part of Louisiana.  It is not unusual for the high to breach 90’s with about 60%- 80% humidity.  This makes everything feel hot and sticky, including you. You think “there is no way it's only 90 degrees outside”.  So the first tip is to wear light clothing.  This means wearing something like Under Armour or workout style shirts.  You do not want to be wearing cotton.  Pass on your favorite cotton -tshirts. Cotton holds on to water and drys slowly. So all the sweat you release during your hike throughout the day will seep into that fabric and will not let it go.  Workout style shirts are made to do the opposite and let the sweat evaporate helping to keep you feeling comfortable.  

2. No Jeans

This follows the first tip very closely, jeans are very heavy.  Like cotton, they absorb water and are slow to dry. The last thing you want to do while hiking, is battle chafing. You should try to find a lighter pair of pants to hike in, like gym paints or even shorts.  Hit up the local goodwill and see what they have.  Another option, if you want pants newer to you, is to check out outdoor stores.  Places like Academy or Bass pro shops will have something that will help you find something suitable to keep you covered and comfortable.  

3. Look out for bugs

Louisiana’s high humidity is a heaven for bugs, specifically mosquitos.  In short, bring bug spray. I recommend keeping it with you and reapplying throughout your day. I have gone on a lot of hikes where I spray myself down in the morning and after a few miles my sweat starts to dilute the effect. The bugs start to attacking again because I've been sweating and losing the effects of the spray. Also, not all bug sprays are created equal. Do a little research on the are ad see if you need to bring a typical mosquito bug spray, or if there will be TICKS!  

4. Bring water, a lot of water

Have you sensed a running theme yet? The south is wet and hot. Staying hydrated is important to keep you going along the trails.  The last thing you want to be is stuck on a trail with no water with still have a mile or so to go until you get back to the vehicle. A good rule of thumb is to carry ½ litter or more for every hour you plan to be outside.  

5. Good footwear

Since a lot of the trails in Louisiana are around water or wetlands, simple tennis shoes might not be good enough.  Even when the sun is bright and shining, the trails will still have a high chance of muddy puddles or even flooded passages.  Sometimes a single day's worth of rain can take over a week to dry up. This is because many of the trails weave in and out of swamplands.  I personally hike in normal hiking boots that have been waterproofed.  If a pleasant hike turns into a muddy trudge, I have the freedom to enjoy the trail with dry socks.  

There you have it, a few tips to help make your time hiking in the south more enjoyable.  I hope to see you out on the trail exploring some of the paths that are indeed less hiked!

Bonus Tip: Bring extra footwear/ Clothing

This might sound weird but if you have been sweating all day throughout a 5-7 mile hike on a bright cloudless day changing your outfit can help to revitalize you. I have gone on plenty of day trips where I’ve wanted to change after a hike so that I can walk into a gas station and not feel like a total sweaty mess.  Also, a change of footwear can be nice as well.  After all the time hiking your feet are just as sweaty as you are and letting them breath can be a good change of pace for the ride home. 


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