
Top 3 Hardest Hikes In Louisiana: That I've Done (So Far)
Louisiana, known more for its swamps and bayous than its mountains, still offers some challenging hikes for outdoor enthusiasts.

What Is A Spider Stick And Why You Might Need One on Your Next Hike!
Have you ever been out hiking and about 5 minutes into the trail you run face first into a spider web. That wasn't fun. You think “I'm sure it will not last the whole trail”… but it does. Here is a tip to make the trip less sticky.

Top 5 LOUISIANA Hikes That Can Be Done In One Day
Louisiana has many trails that can be tackled in one day! So weather you are the type that wants to leave out early and finish before the sun is fully up, or the type that wants to end the day with a hike these trails are for you!

Top 5 Hiking tips for louisiana
Hiking in Louisiana is not too different from hiking from anywhere else around the world, but here are a few things that should be considered