What Is A Spider Stick And Why You Might Need One on Your Next Hike!
Have you ever been out hiking and about 5 minutes into the trail you run face first into a spider web. Think back. That wasn't fun. But you brushed it off and kept going. Then BAM another spider web. You think “I'm sure it will not last the whole trail”… but it does.
A lot of the time, I find that if the trail is not frequently traveled the amount of spider webs at head level will be annoyingly plentiful. I don't know how the spiders magically know the average height of the human face but they do. I'm sure there is a scientific reason regarding the height of the web off the forest floor, but it feels like black magic.
Also, if the trail is single-file-narrow and 30+ minutes have passed since a hiker walked through it, then you can bet there will be webs set up. Sometimes that web will be waist high and get caught up on your hands and sometimes they will be low to the ground and will hit any bare ankles. Most of the time, it's face first.
The #1 best way (I've found) to fight this hike destroying experience is to arm yourself with a spider stick.
Using the patented spider stick to keep the path clear!
What exactly is a spider stick?
Well it is a stick about 3ft long and somewhat sturdy. Dried out sticks are too fragile, and thin sticks will fold under their own weight. The perfect spider stick is both flexible and sturdy.
Why is it so important that the spider stick will hold itself upright?
This is because throughout most of the trail the stick is held protectively in front like a magic wand ready to ward off the annoying threads.
Walking Off Into The Sunset With My Stick!
Unfortunately, the spider stick is not perfect. For really large webs, you'll need to wave it about to keep lingering strands from enveloping your face.
I'm not sure about the rest of the world but here in Louisiana we have spiders that make some really strong webs. Example? Banana spiders. I swear it's like running into a fishing line. It will really take you out if you aren't looking. When using the amazing spider stick against a banana spider's web, you will be able to feel the tension before it breaks.
The great thing about the amazing spider stick is that a good one can almost always be found on the trail or around the trailhead. Fellow hikers will leave them there when they finish the trail for the next hiker.
For more helpful tips while hiking down south check out this post here!